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Grass Fed BONE and MARROW — $46
— “In the Chinese paradigm, bone marrow is considered the deepest tissue of the body and contains the essence of the being. Itʼs an interesting correlation to consider that modern science has shown that within bone marrow are high concentrations of stem cells, the very organizing influences, and genetic material, for the being. It is these essential nutrients that help our bodies continue to build healthy, vital constitutions and repair cellular damage.” * —
For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) the things we needed for strength, health and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where bone, dental and connective tissue health is struggling.
At the heart of our whole bone extract is bone marrow... bone marrow contains all the nutrients and substances that the body uses to build, repair, and maintain our living bones and connective tissues. There’s clearly something special (nutritionally) about bone marrow. The healthy peoples studied by Dr. Weston A. Price valued bone marrow, when they could get it. Some would crack open the bones and eat it raw, while others would simmer marrow bones in their broths. In the wild, animals go for the marrow, instinctively. For instance, wolves given access to full deer carcasses gravitated toward those bones with “high marrow yields,” taking care to “destroy the epiphyses” where the marrow was most plentiful.
Whole food, nutrient dense bone, marrow and cartilage can provide great benefit for those seeking targeted support in harmony with nature — the old fashioned way, the way that our early ancestors did.* Grassfed Bone and Marrow is a whole bone extract and dietary supplement that provides 100% pure bovine bone, marrow and cartilage as it exists in nature. This whole food contains all the nutrients (collagen, growth factors, stem cells, fat soluble activators, trace minerals, etc) that support bone, dental and connective tissue health.* Our mission is our purpose... putting back in, what the modern world has left out.
- Pasture Raised In New Zealand
- Grass-fed & Grass-Finished
- Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
- 100% Freeze Dried & Non-Defatted
- Third Party Tested For Purity
- Allergen Free
New Zealand seems like it was made for raising healthy cattle. Its location and climate produce pristine conditions for cattle, and the farmers have uncanny expertise handed down for generations. New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate so the grass in the pastures grows fresh and grows green year-round which means the cows can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year.
Our nose-to-tail product line is always from grassfed, inspected animals born and raised without the use of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Health of livestock used for manufacturing in New Zealand is closely monitored by a world leading biosecurity system that is second to none, and is a global exemplar. Strict government licensing, auditing and certification procedures mean that our genuine New Zealand freeze dried products can be used with complete confidence in their origin, safety and efficacy. Freeze-drying preser
* Our product line is 100% additive-free... Absolutely no stearates, lubricants, binders, fillers or flow agents... except with our Bone and Marrow (see Other Ingredients) *

- Serving Size: 6 Capsules
- Servings Per Container: 30
Freeze-Dried New Zealand Grass Fed Whole Bone Extract (Bovine) 500 MG
- Grass Fed Bone Matrix
- Grass Fed Bone Marrow
- Grass Fed Cartilage
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Collagen (Beef Gelatin) Capsules, Organic Rice Concentrate, Silica
SUGGESTED USE: Six capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.
* FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
PRICE & PAYMENT OPTIONS: $44 per bottle. All transactions are currently being processed through SSL encrypted Shopify. We accept all major credit cards.
Traditional peoples, Native Americans and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual. For instance, the traditional way of treating a person with a weak heart was to feed the person the heart of a healthy animal. Similarly, eating the kidneys of a healthy animal was believed to support urinary ailments and overall kidney health... Pancreas was fed to people with digestive problems... and spleen was fed to people with immune and blood deficiencies.* Bone, marrow and cartilage was no different.
Weston Price DDS, Author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, studied the dietary habits of traditional peoples across the globe. He found that the natives of Canada put great stock in consuming animal organ meats, especially bone marrow. He reported:
“Indians putting great emphasis upon the eating of the organs of the animals, including the wall of parts of the digestive tract. Much of the muscle meat of the animals was fed to the dogs. It is important that skeletons are rarely found where large game animals have been slaughtered by the Indians of the North. The skeletal remains are found as piles of finely broken bone chips or splinters that have been cracked up to obtain as much as possible of the marrow and nutritive qualities of the bones. These Indians obtain their fat-soluble vitamins and also most of their minerals from the organs of the animals. An important part of the nutrition of the children consisted in various preparations of bone marrow, both as a substitute for milk and as a special dietary ration.”
Organ meats and bone marrow were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.* Our early ancestors knew this, which is why their traditional diets included the frequent and nourishing consumption of nose-to-tail organs meats.
Whole BONE Extract CONTAINS...
- Bone Matrix, Bone Marrow And Cartilage *
- Nutrients Exclusively Found And Expressed In Whole Bone Extract *
- High Concentrations Of Stem Cells And Base Cells *
- Collagen, Growth Factors And Fat Soluble Activators *
- Glycosaminoglycans Naturally Present in Bone Matrix *
NOTE: There are two types of bone marrow: red marrow (also known as myeloid tissue) and yellow marrow. Red blood cells, platelets and most white blood cells arise in red marrow; some white blood cells develop in yellow marrow.*
Whole Bone Extract SUPPORTS...
- Bone Health (think bones, marrow and teeth)... Based On "Like Supports Like" *
- Connective Tissue Health (think ligaments, tendons, cartilage, skin)...Based On "Like Supports Like" *
- Dental Health And Immune Health *
- Supports And Repairs Cellular Damage *
NOTE: There are a number of caves that show long evidence of human habitation, going all the way back to the Paleolithic period. All of these caves contained ancient fire pits. And all of these caves contained the remnants of large piles of bones. The bones that were found were animal bones. Almost without exception, they had been cracked open, and every trace of the marrow removed.*
Our Grassfed Bone and Marrow is a whole food dietary supplement that provides whole bone extract — bovine bone matrix, bone marrow and cartilage in the physiological amounts that exist in harmony with nature. This product can be taken with (or) without food (even though it technically is food). The suggested use is 6 capsules a day or as directed by a healthcare professional — for added support, the dose can be doubled.
high quality ORGANS, GLANDS & MARROW
Okay, you're convinced! You're going to start incorporating whole bone extract and marrow in your routine because, well... you're educated now... you understand, just as our early ancestors did, that they provide superlative health benefits that are missing in our modern diets.* The next step is sourcing it. It's important that you source the highest quality because not all organs and glands are created equal. Consider the source.
- Should Come From An Unpolluted Geographical Region — Isolated, Healthy, Pristine Lands
- Should Come From Pasture Raised Cows
- Should Come From Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished Cows
- Should Come From Cows That Are Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
- Should Also Be Ultra Pure... Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents, No Allergens
- Should Be Non-Defatted, The Way It Exists In Nature
- Should Be 100% Freeze Dried... Freeze Drying Preserves Heat Sensitive Biological Activity
If you're going to pick just one ancestral supplement to start with, make it our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER... unless you need targeted support with another specific organ system (see below). If you are going to pick two supplements, our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER and our GRASS FED BEEF ORGANS provide complementary and synergistic nourishment. If you can add a third supplement, GRASS FED BONE MARROW fills fat soluble nutrition gaps and provides the fat soluble activators that nutrition giant Dr. Weston Price extensively wrote about.
- Grass Fed Beef Liver
- Grass Fed Beef Organs (liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, spleen)
- Grass Fed Bone Marrow
On the other hand, if you're looking for targeted organ support, you may be interested in our GRASS FED BEEF HEART to support heart health (or) our GRASS FED THYROID to support a struggling thyroid (or) our GRASS FED SPLEEN to support spleen and immune health... you get the picture.* We have a nose-to-tail product line that can be found on our "Products" page. If you can't find what you're looking for (or) you're not sure what you're looking for, send us an email and we'll do everything we can to help.
Our genome has evolved with the nourishment of nose-to-tail dining since the beginning of time. Grassfed Beef Marrow can provide great benefit for those seeking targeted support in harmony with nature.* Based on the concept of "like supports like," consuming bone, marrow and cartilage may strengthen and support our own bone, marrow and cartilage health.* Whole bone extract and marrow naturally provides all the nutrients (collagen, growth factors, stem cells, fat soluble activators, trace minerals, etc) that support bone, dental and connective tissue health.*
Not all organs and glands are the same. Look for the highest quality whole bone extract and marrow... It should come from pasture-raised, grass-fed cows that are hormone, pesticide and GMO free. If considering a supplement, look for one that is ultra pure (without binders, fillers (or) flow agents) and look for the freeze dried variety as these have been shown to optimally preserve nutritional factors, co-factors and biological activity.
NOTE: Whole bone (or) whole bone extract can be found by various names: MCHA, ossein hydroxyapatite, MCHC, or microcrystalline hydroxyapatite calcium.
Our early ancestors didn’t brush… didn’t floss… didn’t get cavities. This is my “go to” line because it seems that the more we brush and floss and use fluoride, the more cavities we get. Obviously, brushing and flossing aren’t the answer, but don’t tell this to the multi-billion dollar dental industry (nor to the allopathic dentist). We all have the ability to remineralize our teeth… to withstand acidic insults… to arrest and resist decay. Nutrition giants Weston A. Price & May Mellanby published the data proving the vital importance that the fat soluble vitamins A, D and K play in tooth remineralization.
Wife is a biological dentist (of 20 years)… I own a supplement company (yours truly). In fact, we developed a product together called “Tooth Restore” that is rich in vitamins A, D, K, magnesium, phosphorus (and others)… This is not commercially available, nor does it need to be for people to glean the benefits, because as you know, nourishing food comes first.
Our liver product is high in real, preformed vitamin A (5,000 iu per serving). That said, if you are deficient in vitamin D, vitamin K2 and/or magnesium, you will not see as much benefit as you could (nor) will you be optimizing other important health metrics. Do you regularly get mid day sun exposure, or take a vitamin D3 supplement? Do you eat fermented veggies like kimchi or sauerkraut or take a vitamin K2 supplement? Do you take a magnesium supplement (I personally recommend a transdermal magnesium oil spray because it's virtually impossible to get enough magnesium from diet alone).
While smashing bones and sucking out the marrow fat was the hard way our ancestors obtained vitamin K, it's not that difficult to obtain marrow bones and either oven roast 3" pieces to serve as appetisers, or slow cook them to make them extra delicious / nutritious... or, look for a good bone marrow supplement! ]
The take home message here is live life in harmony with nature, the way of our early ancestors… love your bone soups, look to liver, get sensible sun exposure, eat your fermented foods (natto reigns supreme) and mind your magnesium. If you want fresh breath, brush your teeth (see below). If you want oral health, nourish your body.
People with periodontal issues (e.g. deep pockets, recurrent infection, bone loss/recession, etc) will also need additional support from whole bone extract (bone, marrow and cartilage), CoQ10 (or Beef Heart) and collagen. Ideally, we would consume these nourishing nutrients by indulging in the deliciousness of true bone broth, bone marrow and organ meats (heart is the richest source of CoQ10 that exists in nature). These additional nose-to-tail nutrients could easily be the missing link to the strength, energy and other health benefits that we are all after. Send me an email... let me know your thoughts... let me know your questions. I'd love to hear from you. Our mission is our purpose... putting back in, what the modern world has left out.
P.S. For those that need intensive support to regain your dental strength and health, consider practicing a ketogenic diet as a "supplement" to everything above. Ketosis helps to deprive the bad bacteria of an energy source... less energy means less fermentation... means less acidic byproducts to demineralize teeth and bone (think recession)... Wife, the biological dentist, has been using this supplemental strategy with her patients for over a decade, way before it became "trendy!" It's also incredibly helpful to swish with sea salt water throughout the day, and especially after eating and drinking, to maintain a balanced pH. Lastly, Bovine Tracheal Cartilage (BTC) has proven to be incredibly helpful with treatment resistant conditions and wound healing (tons of peer reviewed studies on these topics). If you don't know about BTC, you need to. Go here... This stuff works!
- Ketogenic diet as a "supplement"
- Salt water rinses
- Bovine Tracheal Cartilage (BTC)
As far as brushing goes, by all means, do it when you feel like it... we recommend using a Bass brush (or) a chewing stick just like our early ancestors did which shows parallel, or even greater efficacy, as compared to standard brushing (see study). When we brush, we use a homemade concoction of bentonite clay, coconut oil, colloidal silver and sea salt with a dash of peppermint oil. There's even a commercial product out there by Uncle Harry's Natural Products that's very similar.
- Grass Fed Liver (or) Bovine Tracheal Cartilage because our BTC already has liver in it!
- Grass Fed Bone and Marrow
- Magnesium... transdermal magnesium oil (by Ancient Minerals) applied to feet before bed and oral magnesium (by Trace Minerals; Mega Mag)
- Vitamin D3 - get this from sensible sunshine or a supplement
- Vitamin K2 - get this from fermented veggies, kimchi, sauerkraut or natto
- Grass Fed Heart - get this if needing gum support too
- Grass Fed Collagen - get this if needing gum support too
- UVEX Glasses (see our "About Us" page to know why)
Wife also makes her patients turn off their wifi routers at night, leave their cell phones out of the bedroom and remove electrical devices within a 12 foot radius of the bed (one's pillow should also not be near a power outlet). If you can get away from bathing in non-native EMFs, health and healing has a better chance. Many times, all you need to do is use an EMF meter to see where the fields have biological implications and then re-position the offensive device... sometimes you may need to re-position your bed, chair or sitting area.
To be certain, collagen peptides offer many benefits… however, collagen peptides will not contain bone marrow (nor) the incredible nourishment of the bone matrix which is at the heart of whole bone extracts and bone soups… this is because almost all commercial collagen supplements come from the hides, not the bones.
This is almost like asking if vitamin A offers the same benefits as beef liver. Just as collagen is an important constituent of bone broth so too is vitamin A an important constituent of beef liver. But… there’s a whole lot more to the story when it comes to bone broth than just the all mighty collagen. For instance, bone broth provides everything that’s in the bone matrix (calcium hydroxyapatite, osteocalcium phosphate, collagen, proteoglycans, matrix proteins, cytokines and growth factors, etc), the bone marrow (fat soluble activators and stem cells), the cartilage and yes, it provides collagen peptides too.
Keep in mind that collagen supplements come from the hides, not the bones. Don’t get me wrong… collagen peptides are awesome… they just happen to be one of the several reasons that bone broth (and our Bone Marrow) are one of the most nourishing foods in existence. If you can make a homemade bone soup with the femur bone down to the knuckle's end, and you can simmer it for days to extract these ancient nutrients, do it!! There's nothing's better... or is there? Our Bone Marrow supplement will give this bone soup a run for its money. Yes, it's made from the femur bone down to the knuckle's end... Yes, it provides the whole bone matrix... Yes, it provides all the goodness of the bone marrow... Yes, it's rich in cartilage and collagen... they may share the same ingredients but our Bone Marrow product is freeze dried instead of heat processed to keep growth factors and other heat sensitive biological activity intact.
Our Grassfed Bone Marrow is a whole food dietary supplement that comes from the femur bone all the way down to the knuckle's end. This is what we refer to as "whole bone extract" which provides the bone matrix (calcium hydroxyapatite, osteocalcium phosphate, collagen, proteoglycans, matrix proteins, cytokines and growth factors), the bone marrow (fat soluble activators and stem cells), the cartilage and yes, it provides collagen peptides too. All of the building blocks (including trace minerals like boron) are present in our whole bone extract product. These nourishing constituents are in the proper physiological amounts that exist in harmony with nature.
We are in the process of developing assays for some of our products. For the time being, I hope that you will find some value in knowing that these health promoting nutrients are offered to us in the same balance that is found in nature... the same balance that our early ancestors would have consumed... the same balance that gave traditional people strong, flexible joints and bones, (including teeth) throughout long and productive lives.
I totally agree with the too much calcium concern... people have been told for decades to get more of the stuff and it's backfiring. Perhaps you too have read "The Calcium Paradox" so you know better... perhaps you know that when calcium is not married with the fat solubles (D, A and especially K2), trouble can arise. Perhaps you know that vitamin D3 is required to absorb Ca... vitamin A is required for osteoclastic activity / bone remodeling so that substrates like Ca actually have a home to go to... K2 is required to usher Ca out of the soft tissues (which is where trouble can arise) and into the hard tissues like bones and teeth.
If you're concerned about voltage gated calcium channels (vgcc), move away from the EMFs (turn off the wifi already, especially at night) and continue to mind your magnesium. If it were me, I would continue to get my nourishment from actual foods, soil and sun... exactly the way that our DNA evolved getting it... exactly the way that our early ancestors got it!
As it relates to our whole bone extract, bear in mind that it's the whole thing... it's the calf's femur bone down to the knuckles end... teeming with growth factors... tons of fat soluble activators... tons of bovine cartilage... tons of stem cells... tons of micronutrients found all together in protective, cooperative and synergistic harmony... the way nature made it!
Sources and References
- "Healing Powers of Chicken Bone Broth!" The Whole Journey. N.p., 02 Mar. 2017. Web. 22 June 2017.
- Sisson, Mark. "Bone Marrow: Delicious, Nutritious and Underappreciated." Mark's Daily Apple. N.p., 07 Apr. 2010. Web. 22 June 2017.
- Fishman, Stanley A. "The Most Paleo Food, Bone Marrow, Easy and Delicious." Tender Grassfed Meat. N.p., 16 Apr. 2012. Web. 22 June 2017.
- Fishman, Stanley A. "The Benefits of Organ Meats." Tender Grassfed Meat. N.p., 09 Dec. 2014. Web. 17 June 2017.
- Price, Weston A., DDS. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration; a comparison of primitive and modern diets and their effects. Santa Monica, CA: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, 2008. Print.
- "Spleen, 500mg, 180 Capsules." Dr. Ron's Ultra-Pure. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2017.
- Nagel, Ramiel. "Bone Marrow Is a Historically Used Traditional Food." Free-Range Pasture-Fed Bone Marrow and Cartilage, 3.5oz. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 June 2017.
- "Bone marrow." ScienceDaily. Wikipedia, n.d. Web. 22 June 2017.
- Murray, Michael T., Joseph E. Pizzorno, and Lara Pizzorno. The encyclopedia of healing foods. 3rd ed. Place of publication not identified: Time Warner International, 2006. Print.
- Carney, Scott, and Wim Hof. What doesnt kill us: how freezing water, extreme altitude, and environmental conditioning will renew our lost evolutionary strength. Brunswick, Victoria, Australia: Scribe Publications, 2017. Print.
- Fallon Morell, Sally. "Bone Marrow." The Weston A. Price Foundation. N.p., 15 Feb. 2008. Web. 22 June 2017.